Obesity | Weight Loss Clinic and Doctor Dietitian in Kalol Meshana
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Obesity is a complex condition that raises serious health risks and can contribute to a lower quality of life. The definition of obesity is simple:

“The State of being grossly Fat or Overweight.”

In other words, we can say; Obesity is a Medical Condition in which excess Body Fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health. Obesity is a very complex disorder that isn't just a cosmetic concern — being obese puts you at risk for a variety of diseases and health problems.

Obesity is most commonly caused by a combination of Excessive Food intake, Lack of Physical Activity, and Genetic Susceptibility. A few cases are caused primarily by genesendocrine disordersmedications, or mental disorders.

At the simplest level, obesity is caused by consuming more calories than you burn. Obesity, however, is a complex condition caused by more than simply eating too much and moving too little. The environment you live in and your community's social norms surrounding food, eating, and lifestyle strongly influence what, when, and how much you eat. Similarly, your environment affects whether, where, and how you are able to be physically active.

Obesity is usually defined using a ratio of height to weight called Body Mass Index (BMI), which often correlates with a person's level of body fat. According to the CDC, an adult with a BMI of 30 or higher is considered Obese or Over Weight.



Obesity occurs when people regularly eat more calories than they burn. A number of factors can contribute to obesity, including a lack of physical activity, a lack of sleep, genetics and certain medications that slow calorie burn, increase appetite or cause water retention, such as corticosteroids, antidepressants or some seizure.
Certain health conditions also can lead to weight gain, including:

  • Hypothyroidism, an underactive Thyroid Gland   
  • PCOS, or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  • Insulin resistance
  • Cushing’s syndrome

 Risk Factors

Obesity increases the risk of developing the number of serious health conditions, including:

  • Diabetes ( Type 2 Diabetes)
  • High Blood Pressures
  • Heart Diseases like Coronary Heart Diseases (CHD)
  • Diseases like Gall Bladder
  • Sleep apnea plus other respiratory problems
  • Osteoarthritis and Gallstones
  • Stroke and Cancer
  • Infertility or Irregular Periods
  • Metabolism Diseases
  • Joint Pain
  • Gas, Acidity, and Constipation
We Treat

 At Obe2Slim, we deal with obesity since 2001, so we know what drawbacks or side effects during weight loss. With weight loss people use to have a deficiency of vitamins - people use to lose their muscle mass, so they will suffer from skin wrinkles and loss of skin glow and charm. We also properly guide which vitamins should be taken during the weight loss process, vitamins come under allopathic but it doesn't harm. People occasionally start doing the diet on their own or under the advice of Non-Medico gym Trainer. 

In which they use to take excess protein via sprouts - excess eggs or non-vegetarian food or protein supplements or meal replacement protein or energy drinks but as per medical science says that excess protein is not advisable to all - its best food but for those people only who can digest it.
Otherwise, if the excess protein is been taken and not been digested by the body it will convert into excess uric acid and which can lead to gout (small joints pain), kidney stones and other diseases and also can lead to heart disease.
We use the most effective and safe Homoeopathic Medicines to improve impaired hormones, metabolism or diseases generated after gaining weight. We just don’t go for Cosmetic Weight Loss / We Search cause of gaining Weight; try to help to relieve in diseases & physical complain developed after gaining weight.
Our vision is very simple just like: "Healthy, Slim & Fit World".
We do deeply counseling and with the full interest to get involved in their Lifestyle that how they are burning calories regularly and taking the variety of food with proper frequency without keeping many gaps between two meals to increase their metabolism.