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Uric Acid Cause, Symptoms And Solution

In this topic, we will share our knowledge and experience about uric acid, its causes, symptoms and solutions. If you or your family or friends are suffering from this disorder then please pay attention.

Uric acid is normally found in the body as a by-product of a certain protein called purine. In case uric acid doesn't pass out from the body or if you produce too much, it can build up and form crystals. Gradually these crystals deposit and form around the body's joints, causing inflammation of the joints leading to pain, redness, heat and swelling.

If we consume a large amount of protein and our body does not metabolise or digest. It will lead to an increase in the level of uric acid. If not controlled on time, it might lead to Gout disease. Gout causes hair disease, skin disease, kidney disease and urate blockage which leads to heart problems. Rare kidney stones are also formed because of high-level uric acid.

We at Obe2slim have done micro-analysis of uric acid and found out the hidden reasons. The main causes are fatty liver, uncontrolled diabetes, uncontrolled weight, kidney diseases, antihypertensive tablets, etc. We at Obe2slim had treated young people who were facing high uric acid as well. If you have come with the high uric acid problem or we find high uric acid in the suggested reports of Obe2slim then we find the root cause of the disorder and treat accordingly.

Now we will discuss how Obe2slim can help you to normalize uric acid levels. Nowadays, the intake of protein has increased tremendously but around 50% of people cannot digest protein very well. Not all proteins cause uric acid, only some of them cause it. Vegetarian people do not need to alter the food much. Alcohol, hard drinks, soft drinks, carbonated drinks, natural fruit juice, high quantity of foods, high caffeine; taking excessive supplements are the causes of uric acid.

Our highly qualified and experienced dieticians will make your personalized diet according to your needs. We also have experts for exercises, physiotherapy doctors and yoga instructors who will provide cardio and exercise schedules which will help to control obesity and ultimately lead to control of uric acid.

We at Obe2slim have a highly qualified team of doctors who will help to treat the uric acid from the root with scientific methods so that you don't have to take medicines for life.

We have also shown results in many patients and cured the disorder of uric acid. And we can provide the details for reference if needed.

We at Obe2slim try to cure the problems of uric acid and obesity and we have an extraordinary success ratio as well. If you or your family or friends face such problems please contact us on